Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Ultimate Spider-Man by Jonathan Hickman vol. 1: Married With Children

The original run of “Ultimate Spider-Man,” written entirely by Bendis, with the majority of it illustrated by Mark Bagley, a decent chunk by Stuart Immonen, and still smaller chunks from Davids Lafuente and Marquez, managed a really cool trick.  That would be being really good for a really long time.  It managed to frequently surprise […]


DSTLRY is a new digital-first publishing operation from one of the co-founders of ComiXology.  So it’s natural that the first thing I’m reading from them is the print edition collection of this three-part miniseries from writer/artist Jock.  It takes place in the future in a run-down settlement next to a bustling spaceport where the inhabitants […]

Marvel Penguin Picks: January 2025

Above-the-Board Recommendation: Strikeforce:  Morituri Omnibus HC The Earth is under attack from a race of brutal aliens called the Horde, and humanity is losing.  Fortunately our scientists have come up with the Morituri Process which confers superpowers on individuals who are compatible with it.  The catch?  If it works, not only do people get superpowers, […]