Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Drifters vol. 5

This rambling and energetically chaotic volume finally catches us up to the Japanese release after a couple years of waiting.  Now we get to wait some more as mangaka Kohta Hirano has never been known for having the strictest work ethic.  He’s not in the same league as “Berserk’s” Kentaro Miura, but this volume shipped […]

Dark Horse Previews Picks: May 2018

While there’s still no word on how the Disney/Fox merger is going to affect the comics based on Fox properties that Dark Horse publishes, it’s good to see the company taking steps to shore things up before that issue is resolved.  Interestingly, one of these new licenses is coming from Disney itself:  “Frozen.”  Dark Horse […]

Thanos vol. 2: The God Quarry

The first volume of Jeff Lemire’s run on “Thanos” was an unexpected surprise.  Mainly because it gave the impression that he did have a story to tell about the Mad Titan and it involved the tortured relationship he had with his son.  Now that we have the second volume, and conclusion to the story, I’m […]

Princess Jellyfish vol. 7

This is starting to drift into “Why am I still reading it?” territory.  It looked for a while that the series was going to become more than a wacky rom-sit-com as Tsukimi, Kuranosuke, and the rest of the otaku AMARS gang branched out into making their own fashion startup.  That completely fell through and now […]

Motor Crush vol. 1

Creators Brenden Fletcher, Cameron Stewart, and Babs Tarr (co-writer, co-writer/layout artist, and artist, respectively) managed to spark a mini-revolution at DC with their run on “Batgirl.”  Their “Batgirl of Burnside” brought a real sense of style and fun to the “New 52” and enough buzz to get DC to follow their lead.  It didn’t last, […]

Regression vol. 1: Way Down Deep

Adrian Padilla hasn’t been doing that great lately.  He’s been plagued by hallucinations of insects and rot infesting the people and objects nearest to him.  Though he’s not a junkie, his friends are about to write him off as one.  Well, all of them except for Molly who recommends that he go and see a […]

Deadly Class vol. 6: This is Not the End

This volume ends on an amazing cliffhanger. If you’ve been following Rick Remender’s writing for any length of time, you’ll know that he loves to grind down his protagonists.  Sometimes this can get really wearying, but in cases like “Deadly Class” it becomes part of the fun.  Still, when I was getting to the last […]

Descender vol. 6: Rise of the Robots

This was billed as the first major “Descender” event, but it’s also going to be the title’s last.  To my surprise, the back cover text told me that this is going to be the penultimate volume of the series.  I was expecting “Descender” to have a longer run (50-60 issues is usually how long most […]

Happiness vol. 6

I didn’t realize it until reading this volume, but I screwed up when compiling my “Best of 2017” list.  For reasons that I cannot explain, the brilliance of “Happiness” vol. 4 managed to slip my mind when I was putting things together.  It stings even more because mangaka Shuzo Oshimi manages some really impressive tricks […]