Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Image Previews Picks: January 2022

Above-the-Board Recommendation: God Hates Astronauts Omnimegabus Ryan Browne may be busy these days with his own projects and illustrating stuff other people have written, like “Curse Words” with Charles Soule, but his signature project in my opinion will always be “God Hates Astronauts.”  Why does God hate astronauts?  That’s not the question you should be […]

Marvel Penguin Picks: January 2022

New year, new title. Above-the-Board Recommendation: X-Men by Gerry Duggan vol. 1 This month it was less a question of if I was going to pick an “X-Men” book than what “X-Men” book I was going to pick.  The first volume of the latest “X-Men” series is arguably a safe choice, but it still has […]

Asadora! vol. 3

If you thought that Asa meeting up with Keiichi at the end of the previous volume was going to be the start of this series moving on to bigger things, then you were right.  …From a certain point of view.  That’s because we’re still in 1964 and the Tokyo Olympics are about to kick off!  […]

BRZRKR vol. 1

Since 2014 and the release of the first “John Wick” film, we’ve been living in the Keanussance.  Decades from now, historians will look back on this period and recognize it as the time we as a civilization realized that the star of “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure,” “Speed,” the “Matrix” trilogy was actually still cool […]

Batman by John Ridley

Tim “Jace” Fox was supposed to be the next Batman.  No, really.  The plan was that he’d debut in Batman #100, written by Academy-Award-winning scribe (and actual comics writer) John Ridley as part of an initiative that would see other longtime DC heroes replaced by new characters.  Then the initiative behind this was scrapped and […]

Deep Beyond vol. 1

In the world of “Deep Beyond,” the Y2K bug took no prisoners when it hit.  Every computer on Earth shut down and the planet descended into barbarism as a result.  Then it got worse as an infection of strange plant life started creeping in from the seas.  In the face of all this, humanity persevered […]

Kaguya-sama: Love is War vol. 20

I’m not sure I could ever describe a volume of this series as “coasting,” but things come awfully close here.  The opening chapters, which involve detailing a certain character’s backstory, Miyuki and Kaguya reaffirming their love for each other, and setup for the Valentine’s Day chapters, are all fine.  It’s also nice to see Ishigami […]