Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

This is stooooopid as well.

For those of you who haven’t heard, Mavel will be cancelling “Uncanny X-Men” with issue #544 in November.  It will be relaunched with a new #1 issue two weeks later along with another series “Wolverine and the X-Men” spinning out of the events of the upcoming “Schism” event.  “Uncanny” will continue to be written by […]

Because writing for the trade is stooooopid.

I haven’t said anything about the “DC 52” relaunch mainly because I’ve been busy absorbing what everyone else has been saying about it.  Personally, I think that re-starting EVERYTHING with a new #1 issue is a bit of genius.  This should mean that all 52 issues are a perfect jumping on point for anyone with […]

Thanks, Dark Horse. I think…

Originally, vol. 12 of “The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service” was supposed to come out back on June 8, according to Amazon.  Then I got a notice stating that it was going to be delayed until July 14.  Delays like that aren’t uncommon, so I took it in stride.  Earlier this week, I got another notice […]

Uncanny X-Men: Quarantine

Mutant plague!  That’s the hook for this volume as the inhabitants of Utopia find themselves waylaid by a strange and extremely savage flu virus.  While the idea of normal diseases evolving to take on mutants would make for an interesting, if esoteric, story, it’s actually part of Lobe’s master plan for the Sublime Corporation.  You […]

Irredeemable vol. 6

Speaking of series that are keeping their momentum going, vol. 6 picks up on the capture of the Plutonian by the alien Vespa without missing a beat.  Though the crazed superhero’s forced departure from Earth would seem to spell the end of everyone’s troubles, it soon becomes apparent that the devil they know has been […]

Claymore vol. 18

The stakes were raised for Claire and her companions at the end of the previous volume.  With the advent of a god-sized Yoma, I was a bit concerned that mangaka Norihiro Yagi had raised the stakes too high and left nowhere for the story to go without some deus-ex-machina intervention.  I should’ve had more faith […]

A very “meh” lantern.

“Green Lantern” made $53.1 million over the weekend.  That’s not a great start for a film that cost around $200 million to make and an additional $100+ million to market.  It could surprise everyone and decline by, say 35%, next weekend, but a trajectory closer to that of “Watchmen” is more likely.  Now that the […]

King of RPGs vol. 2

I bought a lot of comics at Comic-Con last year, and if the first volume of “King of RPGs” wasn’t the best thing I read from that stack, it was still pretty close to the top.  It turned its extreme nerdiness regarding pen-and-paper RPGs and collectible card games into an asset as writer (and public […]

Normal Service Has Been Resumed

Just letting you know that after some technical issues, I’m back online. While it was frustrating to not know why this was going on at first, the end result was relatively simple. There will also be some changes coming up in relation to this within the next month, but you’ll see that when it happens. […]