Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Daredevil: The Devil’s Hand

After reading this volume, the rumors that Matt Murdock will die and be replaced as Daredevil by someone else in the “Shadowland” crossover become a lot more credible.  Mainly because I can’t imagine someone this stupid being allowed to have his own title. To recap:  the last volume of Ed Brubaker’s run had Matt accepting […]

Thor vols. 2 & 3

I picked up the first volume of J. Michael Straczynski’s run on “Thor” last year at Comic-Con and found it to be generally entertaining, if not as brilliant as the online reviews and word-of-mouth had said it to be.  After reading the second volume, I came away much more impressed.  After the title character brought […]

The Programme vols. 1 & 2

Some might think it odd that DC’s Wildstorm imprint has produced not one, but two mini-series about the post-Cold War Soviet Union and how it’s secret superhuman programs affect its present day.  I find it less odd that the one mini that almost wasn’t completed, Brett Lewis and John Paul Leon’s “The Winter Men,” was […]

Batman: Detective & Death and the City

I’d meant to pick up these collections of writer Paul Dini’s “Batman” work when they came out, but I just never got around to it.  Reading them now, I don’t feel that was a big mistake, but they still have their charms.  Dini’s initial run was characterized by doing lots of “done-in-one” tales that emphasized […]

American Splendor: Another Dollar

The late Harvey Pekar may not have been as famous or financially secure as he wanted to be, but his “American Splendor” comics were landmark works in showing how the medium could be used for realistic, autobiographical stories.  While Pekar’s curmudgeonly “character” was never the easiest person to like, you could always relate to his […]

Fear Agent vol. 1: Re-Ignition

Heath Hudson is the last of the legendary “Fear Agents,” and the kind of guy who likes to self-medicate the traumas of his past by either drinking lots of alcohol, or killing lots of nasty aliens.  Sometimes both at the same time.  While he’s used to wiping the floor with the nastiest aliens the galaxy […]


My primary motivation for buying all of the “Vertigo Crime” graphic novels as they come out, regardless of the creative team, has mainly been to gather material for a future podcast on the imprint’s inevitable failure observe the progression of the imprint and see the quality of the books firsthand.  The buying part has been […]

Nova vols. 3 & 4: Secret Invasion & Nova Corps

I started reading “Nova” as an outgrowth of enjoying the character’s mini-series and participation in the “Annihilation” crossover.  While writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning did a great job of making the title character interesting, thanks to his standing as the last of the Nova Corps. and the host of the Xandar Worldmind, the first […]

Scott Pilgrim vs. the Indifferent Podcaster

As you all know by now, I’m a slut for tying my podcast in to the latest comic book movie being released.  The reason this week’s edition wasn’t about “Scott Pilgrim” was because I’ve never got into that series beyond the first two volumes.  I read the first one based on the strength of the […]