Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Bakuman vol. 2

I appreciated the first volume of “Bakuman” more for what it represented than what it actually did.  The last thing I’d expect a “Shonen Jump” title to be is a character-driven story set in the real world about two kids trying to make it as manga creators.  That was enough to hold my interest despite […]

Northlanders vol. 4: The Plague Widow

Note to whoever wrote the text to the back cover of this volume:  Vikings trying to survive the winter while a plague ravages the countryside isn’t “survival horror” unless there’s some actual horror.  Usually involving zombies.  In Raccoon City.  But I digress… This fourth volume of Brian Wood’s ongoing saga about the struggles of Vikings […]

Vagabond vol. 33

While “Slam Dunk” continues to get better and better, the Takehiko Inoue series that got me to give that series a chance isn’t.  In fact, these last few volumes of “Vagabond” show that as the series is winding down it seems poised to go out with a whimper than a bang. Though the series continues […]

Yeah. Suuuuuuure they would’ve.

I’ve been increasingly suspicious of the back-cover quotes on DC’s hardcovers ever since Ed Brubaker said some glowing words about “The Chill” earlier this year.  Maybe he really did like the worst entry in the Vertigo Crime line, but I can’t look at these things and take them seriously anymore.  Then “Superman:  Earth One” arrives […]