Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

The Comic-Con Report (Part Three)

Saturday started off on a sobering note for my group.  Not due to anything that happened to us personally, but because of the panel we attended. “The Fight to Defend Manga” was a panel hosted and moderated by Charles Browenstein, executive director of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, that examined the ways in which […]

The Comic-Con Report (Part Two)

I don’t know how I managed to wake up before 8am on Friday, but I did and it allowed me to attend the JManga panel at 11am.  JManga is a portal site where you can buy and download translated manga, legally, from a consortium of Japan’s biggest publishers.  I haven’t gotten around to checking it […]

The Comic-Con Report (Part One)

Comic-Con has come and gone and I’ve got a ton of new material for reviews and podcasts.  Expect something about “Atomic Robo” in the very near future, assuming I can find a way to tie it in to “Batman:  Earth One.”  So when I wasn’t on the show floor rifling through the bargain bins, I […]

Fatale vol. 1: Death Chases Me

“Criminal” was consistently excellent.  I can’t wait to see what happens next in “Incognito.”  “Sleeper” is one of my all time favorites which I also loan out to friends with an interest in reading comics.  With a history like that, my expectations for this latest collaboration from Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips were sky high.  […]

Conan vol. 11: Road of Kings

Long before Dark Horse got the rights to publish “Conan” comics, Marvel had the rights themselves and published hundreds of them from the 70’s through the 90’s.  The vast majority of these were written by Roy Thomas, who is at this point a living legend for his contributions to the superhero genre based on his […]

Claymore vol. 20

Yeah, the ending of the previous volume was a real bummer wasn’t it?  Seeing Miria get chopped down after heading off to crush the Organization by herself, you’d think a valiant warrior like herself deserved a more glorious death than that.  One where we get to see the body.  Anyone familiar with certain genre conventions […]

Tenjo Tenge vol. 7

I’ve been keeping up with this series, though I haven’t felt the need to write anything more about it until now.  That’s because for the past few volumes, the series has felt like it has been losing its focus.  Where the initial conflict early on was defined between Maya’s Jukan group and Mitsuomi’s Executive Council, […]

Bokurano vol. 6

First things first:  Whoever wrote the summary text for the inside cover of this volume deserves a real *slow clap*.  I mean really, ending with “…until the enemy’s tentacles threaten to overwhem her,” suggests an entirely different experience than what this series (or pretty much any title released by Viz) is about.  Part of me […]