Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

X-Men: Battle of the Atom

Being the first major “X-Men” crossover event in a while, I was prepared to give this an in-depth review.  However, the more I thought about it I realized that there just wasn’t a whole heck of a lot that really warranted discussion here.  The premise is that a group of X-Men from the future  — […]

Abe Sapien vol. 4: The Shape of Things to Come

With a title like that you’d think that we’d be in for some grade-A foreshadowing and setup for future volumes, right?  Unfortunately, as “B.P.R.D.’s” main failing is that it can sometimes be too preoccupied in setting up stories to come that it forgets to tell interesting stories in the here and now, that appears to […]

The Star Wars

It’s only natural that when you have a film like “Star Wars” that spawned an entire industry unto itself, there’s going to be a higher than normal level of interest in its origins.  So when you start hearing apocryphal stories about the original “rough draft” of the very first film and what it contained — […]

In Clothes Called Fat

I thought that “Insufficient Direction,” Moyoco Anno’s “essay manga” of her life with husband Hideaki Anno, was pretty enjoyable for what it was.  This is actually an atypical reaction compared to the previous manga I’ve read from her.  Titles like “Happy Mania,” “Flowers and Bees,” and “Sakuran” left me cold and not feeling much for […]

What Did You Eat Yesterday? vol. 3

I’ve made my thoughts clear that the previous volumes of this title do not represent Fumi Yoshinaga’s best work.  This volume, however, continues the trend of seeing the mangaka take baby steps towards giving this title more depth than it initially started out with.  There’s a brief moment where Shiro, the serious attorney, is complaining […]

The Walking Dead vol. 21: All Out War, Part Two

When we left off in the battle between Rick’s forces and Negan’s “Saviors,” things were not looking too good for the former’s side.  Things had started off great with the zombie-driven assault on Negan’s fortress, but then the man’s forces rallied and staged a devastating attack on Rick’s home.  In lesser hands, this downward trend […]

The Adventures of Nilson Groundthumper & Hermy

“Usagi Yojimbo” creator Stan Sakai lays out the origins of the title characters in his introduction to this collected edition.  For what it’s worth, it sounds like he had a solid plan for it.  The story of wandering rabbit swordsman Nilson Groundthumper and Hermy the guinea pig, his naif traveling companion, was to have been […]