Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Stray Bullets vol. 6: Killers

As it turns out, you can go home again. After a very lengthy gap between issues, David Lapham released issue #41 of “Stray Bullets” and completed the fifth volume of his signature crime series.  He then bundled it, and the other forty issues in an omnibus edition that wound up being my favorite comic from […]

Black Science vol. 2: Welcome, Nowhere

If nothing else (and I admit that’s selling it short), the first volume of “Black Science” had an unexpected and game-changing twist at its end.  After jumping through several words with his friends, family, and co-workers, brilliant scientist Grant McKay met his end crushed under rubble.  In his final moments, he begged Kadir — his […]

Avengers by Hickman: Time Runs Out vol. 1

In what will no doubt come as a complete and utter surprise to people who have been following my reviews of this particular “Avengers/New Avengers” run, I wound up really liking this latest volume!  Essentially the “beginning of the end” for Hickman’s run, it very much lives up to the title sentiment as things go […]

Assassination Classroom vol. 2

The subtitle for this volume is “Time For Grown-Ups,” and that turns out to be a bad and good thing for this series.  In that order.  Things start off with the introduction of someone who is at this point an unworkable assemblage of cliches and character types before we get to meet this series’ Lex […]

Manifest Destiny vol. 2: Amphibia & Insecta

The first volume of this series had the verve of real adventure and discovery to it and wound up being very entertaining as a result.  I come bearing good news regarding the second as those traits are maintained quite well here.  After surviving the plant zombie outbreak, Lewis and Clark’s crew continue their journey westward […]

Batman Black & White vol. 4

You know the deal with anthologies:  The most you can hope for with any of them is that the “hit to miss” ratio is somewhere north of fifty percent.  A lot of anthologies have shown that minimum requirement is a rather difficult one to hit.  However, over the course of four volumes (so far) “Batman […]