Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Ultimates/New Avengers: Civil War II

Whether they wanted to be a part of it or not, pretty much every Marvel comic released in the past few months offered some sort of tie-in to “Civil War II.”  While this proved to be a sure-fire sales-booster for titles who tied into the original event series, this time around has served as a […]

Rumble vol. 3: Immortal Coil

You know, it’s really disappointing that this series isn’t selling all that well in single-issue form because it’s a ton of fun.  I realize that the first volume takes a while to get going and to make its purpose clear, which is a liability when you’re drip-feeding your audience information on a monthly basis.  Three […]

Morning Glories vol. 10: Expulsion

What the hell happened to the art in this volume!?  I’ve warmed up to Joe Eisma’s work on this series considerably since it began, but he really drops the ball here from the first page.  All of the characters have weird-looking googly eyes, awkward facial expressions, and misshapen noses.  It’s insanely distracting to look at […]

Vinland Saga vol. 8

There’s a scene early on in this volume where Thorfinn recounts to the family he left behind what he’s been up to for the past sixteen years.  Mangaka Makoto Yukimura doesn’t have his protagonist go into specifics, only showing Thorfinn calmly narrating, the shocked looks of those around him, montages of panels from chapters past, […]

Star Wars: Han Solo

I’m honestly surprised it has taken this long for us to get a Han Solo miniseries in comics.  Yes, he was a featured player in several comics from the Dark Horse era, but even Marvel held off for over a year after re-acquiring the rights to “Star Wars” before giving Solo his own solo vehicle […]

Descender vol. 3: Singularities

Sometimes progress in a series is not always in a straight line.  There are times when creators will forego the steady forward progression of the plot to focus on the characters in a story.  Mind you, the idea is not to forego progress entirely.  If this approach is done right then the reader is rewarded […]

Amazing Spider-Man: Worldwide vol. 4

This volume of “Worldwide” is all about setting up the next big Spider-event as the title of the arc collected here, “Before Dead No More,” indicates.  Vol. 3 left off with the cliffhanger of Jay Jameson, father to Jonah, wife to Peter’s Aunt May, collapsing suddenly.  He’s in the hospital and things aren’t looking good. […]

Image Previews Picks: April 2017

Image Comics launched 25 years ago this month.  If you told me back then that they wouldn’t have lasted this long, I probably would’ve believed you.  That said, if you had told me that they’d be leading the vanguard of creator-owned comics that were actually worth reading, I certainly would’ve laughed my ass off.  While […]