Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Seven to Eternity vol. 1: The God of Whispers

I wasn’t really keen on picking up this title when it was announced.  At the time, Rick Remender had burned a lot of his goodwill with me with the relentlessly depressing “Low” and the unimaginative downward spiral of “Black Science.”  Then he turned things around on “Black Science” and “Deadly Class” got even better, and […]

Death of X

Having a miniseries prelude to a big comics crossover event isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  In the case of “Death of X” it allows for people who haven’t been keeping up with one side (such as myself with the Inhumans) to get on the same page with those who have so that they’re properly invested […]

X-Men: Before IvX

In the realm of single issues the X-Men are getting off to their latest relaunch in the wake of the “Inhumans vs. X-Men” event.  (Though not without some controversy, sadly.)  The idea this time is a back-to-basics approach that emphasizes the characters superhero escapades more than anything else.  Actually, it’s more of a back-to-the-90’s approach […]

All-Rounder Meguru vols. 1 & 2

Longtime readers will know that I’ve been very passionate about seeing the rest of Hiroki Endo’s excellent “Eden:  It’s An Endless World!” published in English.  Sadly, we’re coming up on the third anniversary of vol. 14’s publication and there’s been no word as to when (or even if) we’ll see vols. 15-18 in print.  Until […]

Thief of Thieves vol. 6: Gold Rush

Now I’m really starting to think that this series should have wrapped up with vol. 4.  What was once a fun comic about pulling off elaborate crimes and sticking it to those who deserved it is quickly turning into a smug and predictable affair.  Things start out fine enough with a typically flashy heist from […]

Wonder Woman vol. 1: The Lies

Greg Rucka had a notable run chronicling the adventures of Themiscra’s Favorite Daughter — which I missed the first time around (but will see about rectifying before the movie comes out).  I decided to not make that mistake again with the writer’s return to the character for the “Rebirth” era.  While I’d love to pat […]

The Sheriff of Baghdad vol. 2: Pow. Pow. Pow.

The first volume of this series represents what I thought was the best work from Tom King over the course of a very prolific and successful 2016 for him.  It was a look at the incredibly screwed-up state of post-invasion Iraq through the perspective of three characters:  Chris, a cop turned military consultant tasked with […]

Happiness vol. 3

This volume actually starts out leading to a moment of triumph for Makoto.  After surviving the attack by an unfriendly vampire at the end of vol. 2, he uses his newfound instincts to track down the missing Yuuki and brings him back to the hospital.  Which is all well and good, until it’s revealed that […]

Letter 44 vol. 4

I was honestly expecting this to be the last volume of the series, given the way vol. 3 ended and along with the summary provided on the back cover.  That’s not the case here.  We’ve got at least two more volumes to go, with one of them being a collection of one-off stories that were […]

The Fuse vol. 4: Constant Orbital Revolutions

The long-running thread of just what Detective Ralph Dietrich is doing on the Fuse finally reaches its conclusion with this volume.  Yet vol. 4 takes a roundabout, though not unappreciated, way of getting to that as it kicks off with one of the station’s inhabitants making a suspicious call at night before transitioning to the […]