Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Miles Morales vol. 2: Bring on the Bad Guys

I liked the first volume of “Miles Morales” well enough, even if its stories didn’t really break out from the established “Spider-Man” story mold.  Vol. 2, however, is a big step in the right direction. The first issue is essentially four-stories-in-one as Ron Ackins, Alitha Martinez, and Vanessa Del Ray join regular artist Javier Garron […]

Superior Spider-Man vol. 2: Otto-Matic

Half of this volume is pretty great.  The first two issues are the tie-in with “War of the Realms” and start off with Otto phasing San Franciscans out of reality while he deals with the frost giants stomping around the city.  Realizing that a surgical strike could end this war real quick, he teams up […]

Pearl vol. 2

As you all know, Bendis unleashed a flurry of creator-owned projects when he arrived at DC.  “Pearl,” the story of a young tattoo artist who gets a crash course in her connections to the San Francisco Yakuza, is the only one of them to receive a follow-up at this point.  While I liked the first […]

Vinland Saga vol. 11

Savor this volume. Not just because it’s good, but because it’s likely the last we’ll see of this series until late 2021.  That’s if we’re lucky and mangaka Makoto Yukimura keeps to what has been a slightly-faster-than-annual-release of new volumes in Japan.  At least vol. 11 doesn’t have a cliffhanger in store for us as […]

Dark Horse Previews Picks: April 2020

Above-the-Board Recommendation: Against Hope Her family was killed by a crazy family of Neo Nazis.  She spent her teenage years grieving before she turned herself into a ruthless bounty hunter as an adult.  Now Hope has found out that the family who ruined her life is running for public office while they run a secret […]

DC Previews Picks: April 2020

Above-the-Board Recommendation: The Joker 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 Yes, I know what I said about DC needing an intervention regarding these anniversary issues.  This isn’t even the only one arriving this month: Catwoman is also celebrating her 80th anniversary in similar fashion in these solicitations.  Still… a Joker-centric anniversary issue feels like more […]