Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Beware the Eye of Odin

Prince Helgir has a problem.  He’s just come into possession of the Eye of Odin after a frost giant attacked his village.  Now he has to return it to its rightful owner, Mimir the Frost Giant King, before the next full moon or else he’ll suffer a painful death involving boils and decay.  Most of […]

Kaguya-sama: Love is War vol. 24

Osaragi and Ino were once the best of friends.  Now their relationship is on the outs about how they feel about Ishigami.  It’s this fracture that drives vol. 24’s opening chapters as they slowly work through their issues in ways that are more dramatic than comedic.  The comedy comes back in subsequent chapters as Chika […]

Image Previews Picks: June 2023

Above-the-Board Recommendation: Junkyard Joe vol. 1 “From the explosive pages of GEIGER comes JUNKYARD JOE!” is what the solicitation text tells us.  I’m still wondering why we’re getting a story about the combat robot Geiger fought in the final issue rather than another volume of his series.  Writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank have […]

Marvel Penguin Picks: June 2023

Above-the-Board Recommendation: Avengers Assemble Even if individual stories in this run haven’t worked as well as they should’ve, I’ve been invested in the overall story that Jason Aaron has been telling since the start.  That’s because he’s found a new villain be the big bad for an “Avengers” title that I’ve not seen before:  Mephisto.  […]

Dark Horse Penguin Picks: June 2023

Above-the-Board Recommendation: Den vol. 1 HC This round of solicitations is filled with hardcover and softcover collections of new material that feel overpriced.  This is a new problem for the publisher and it’s something that’s going to have me start picking up a lot of their stuff when it comes on sale through their app.  […]

The Girl From the Other Side vol. 12

Had I engaged in a bit more planning and/or patience, I’d have talked about this volume when I did the podcast for the series.  In the end, I was left hoping that the stories collected here would offer some additional insight into the ending we got with vol. 11.  That’s not the case here.  Vol. […]

DC Solicitation Sneaks: June 2023

Above-the-Board Recommendation: The Flash #800 It’s a big ol’ anniversary issue that marks the end of one run, by writer Jeremy Adams, with the start of another, by writer Simon Spurrier.  This is going to be the first time I’ve started reading a run of “The Flash,” despite its history of being written by luminaries […]

Ant-Man: Ant-iversary

It may look like a random miniseries commissioned to promote the character’s upcoming movie, but “Ant-iversary” is actually here to celebrate the character’s 60th year of existence.  Which is why we have four generations of Ant-Men tackling their own troubles while also getting ensnared in a cross-time caper.  So gasp in amazement as Hank Pym’s […]

The Killer (vol. 6): Affairs of the State

I thought that we had seen the last of the title character in “Fight or Flight,” but it turns out you can’t keep a good assassin down for long.  We find out in short order that the Killer, going by “Denis” now, is now working for the French government – the Department of Surveillance, specifically.  […]