Comic Picks by the Glick

Manga and Comic Reviews

Peacemaker Tries Hard!

It’s not easy being Christopher “Peacemaker” Smith these days.  Sure, he may have earned his release from the Suicide Squad, but his former comrades think he’s a degenerate weirdo and don’t want to hang out with him.  He doesn’t have any friends, and the only normal interactions he has with the public involve his surprisingly […]

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: Wherewhen

I’ve always enjoyed these crossover team-ups between the Rabbit Ronin and the Heroes in a Half Shell.  More so because it feels like they represent two storytelling universes that developed independently of each other, but fit together remarkably well.  Sure, the stories they’ve appeared together in have also been fun, but the best one still […]

H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Over Innsmouth

In July of 1927, a young man decides to take a tour of New England to acquaint himself with its sights and do some research into his family history.  When traveling from Newburyport to Arkham, he finds that there’s another route between these towns that most people try to avoid.  This route goes through Innsmouth, […]

Batman: The Adventures Continue — Season 3

It’s more like “The Adventures Conclude” as this volume is billed as the finale for this series which sought to offer more stories within the setting of “Batman:  The Animated Series.”  So, what does it have to offer?  Two opening one-offs as Batman gets involved with protecting a hired killer from the mafia’s vengeance, and […]

Drifting Dragons vol. 15

After slaying the legendary ship-killing dragon known as Typhon, there’s only one thing left for the crews of the Plana Grava and Quin Zaza to do:  Carve it up, split the bounty, and have Mika make some dragon hamburg steak with the leftovers.  Oh, and for Jiro to get into a fight with his way-too-carefree […]

Justice League by Bendis vol. 2: United Order

The Synmar Utopica is back!  And he’s got his eyes set on taking all of Earth for himself.  Before he can do that, though, he’ll have to take on the Justice League… and the United Order, the peacekeeping force of the United Planets.  While this is going on, Green Arrow and Black Canary find their […]

Nightwing vol. 2: Get Grayson

Back in vol. 1, “Leaping Into the Light,” Dick Grayson announced that he was going to use the fortune he inherited from Alfred Pennyworth to uplift his adopted community of Bludhaven.  In this volume he learns about the dangers of trying to do so when its resident crimelord, Roland “Blockbuster” Desmond, puts out a hit […]