I was looking through the Dark Horse solicitations for June last night, and I saw something that I had pretty much given up hope of ever seeing. According to the solicitations, vol. 13 of “Eden: It’s an Endless World!” will be arriving in August. Longtime listeners and readers will recall that I expressed some skepticism that we’d ever see this series brought back, and I am very glad that Dark Horse is making an effort to publish the series to completion.
Now, before my cynicism kicks in, I want to urge you all to go out and either pre-order this now or buy it when it comes out. If you haven’t even read a volume: START NOW! This is hands-down one of the smartest, most engrossing, and action-packed science fiction manga ever published stateside and it will be a damn shame if we don’t get to see how it ends. I would advise you to hurry since my cursory checks of Amazon, The Right Stuf and Things From Another World indicate that the series is starting to become scarce. Hopefully this will be rectified in the coming months, because what’s the point in trying to relaunch a series if it isn’t all available?
With that prospect, some might say “Why bother?” since this is only one volume and Dark Horse hasn’t committed to publishing the remaining five. Let me put it to you this way: If we buy this volume, then there’s at least a chance that they’ll publish the rest. If we don’t, then I can assure you that we’ll never see them. Even if we don’t get more, I can at least stop being bitter about that until August. For that at least, I’m grateful.