Black Lagoon vol. 13

The Five Digits came to Roanapur to take out Dutch for what they think is his role in a long-ago criminal action.  Then they found out firsthand just how little pity this city has for those who waltz into it unprepared.  Particularly when one of their own, Le Majeur, is just itching to settle scores relating to one of their previous operations.  Now she’s down an eye and the Four Digits are still bent on finishing their mission.  Even if it means waltzing straight into a trap whose teeth are made up of the fiercest fighters in Hotel Moscow.

To be fair, I should’ve re-read vol. 12 before I started reading this one.  I figured there’d be enough time to get back into the groove of the current arc once I started reading, and it turned out I was completely wrong about that.  “L’homme Sombre” wraps up after three chapters of furious gunfighting and backroom deals that likely would’ve hit harder if all of its setup was still fresh in my mind.  So if you’re like me and still following this series after all this time, you may want to brush up on what has happened before.  It’ll likely be worth it.

It may even help the back half of the volume read better as well.  That’s focused on Rock and Revy helping Roanapur’s latest inhabitant get used to their new life on the island, and all of them attending the opening of Hotel Moscow’s new casino.  Your enjoyment of this will likely hinge on how interesting you find this new addition to be – they’re fine, in my opinion – though the ominous conversation between Rock and Mr. Chan felt like a weaker echo of their arc in “Roberta’s Blood Trail.”

Mangaka Rei Hiroe states in the afterword to this volume that the next volume will be starting a lengthier storyline.  He also promises that doing so will be a good incentive for him to get subsequent volumes out quicker.  I’ll believe it when I see it, but I’ll still be here to see it.  With expectations firmly in check.