Fire Power vol. 3: Flame War

So, the Scorched Earth Clan are actually the good guys and the Temple of the Flaming Fist, now led by Master Chou, are the bad guys.  That’s a hell of a reveal to pull after you’ve just finished introducing them, but I’m sure years of writing “Invincible” have taught Robert Kirkman that there’s never not a bad time to pull the rug out from under your audience.  For all the unexpectedness of this twist, the writer, and artist Chris Samnee, waste no time in leaning into it as Owen Wilson and his family make their way to Scorched Earth’s home.  Not without some trouble that involves a woman bursting into snakes at 40,000 feet, of course.  When they get there, the drums of war are already beating and Owen finds himself with little time to plan as he’s thrust into a leadership position for the assault.  No pressure, though, he may consider this to be the easiest part of this journey after he finds out that someone close to him wasn’t quite as dead as he thought.

There’s no doubt that this series moves at a breakneck pace, as it blows through setups and plot twists that other creators would leave simmering for a volume or two.  I think that’s part of the title’s charm, however, and I can’t say that it’s moving too fast that I’m not able to absorb the emotional impact that the creators intend for each twist.  This is helped by Samnee’s art, which is always on form whether he’s asked to deliver heart-to-heart family conversations, or a massive aerial assault on an encroached training ground.  It’s stylish stuff and serves to draw the reader into the story that much more, even as a lot of it looks to be wrapping up in this volume.  Yes, “Fire Power” is borrowing a page from “Oblivion Song” in that regard.  It doesn’t feel as detrimental to that title’s momentum as there’s enough setup to keep you curious about what’s going to happen next.  I mean, they’re just regular snakes.  Right?