Destroy All Monsters: A Reckless Book

Contrary to what its title implies, the third “Reckless” graphic novel does not involve a giant-size Ethan Reckless taking on Gozilla, Mothra, King Ghidora, and other monsters in a giant kaiju free-for-all.  (I would still pay to read that, Ed and Sean, if you’re reading this.)  “Destroy All Monsters” is a bit of a departure from the previous two graphic novels as the focus isn’t solely on a twisty case that the title character finds himself involved in.  There is one, of course, and it involves Ethan trying to get some dirt on a shady real estate developer who’s involved in the construction of the 105 Freeway in L.A. and the renovation of the land around it.  The real focus of this story is on the relationship between Ethan and his friend/assistant Anna and how time and life are starting to drive a wedge between them.

It may sound like heavy stuff, though the end result isn’t as much of a downer as that implies.  That’s due in part to the fact that the reason a rift develops between Ethan and Anna is due to more grounded reasons than cheap drama.  Which makes it all the more satisfying to see them work together on this case because they do have a good rapport together that stems from friendship and mutual respect rather than romance.  It helps that the case they’re investigating is a solid one with roots in real L.A. history that allows them to work things out as they go along.

Things aren’t back to normal between Ethan and Anna by the end of the volume, but that’s because they’ve managed to forge a new one together.  The end result is a heartfelt reminder that while change comes to all relationships, sometimes it’s even for the better.  That would be a good note to end the volume on, except for the fact that the creators throw us a bit of a curveball in the last few pages and reveal that the “Reckless” series we thought we’ve been reading is actually something different.  It’s a twist, or change, that I’m fine with.  Particularly as it looks to be giving Anna the lead role in the next volume.